Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A declaration of ignorance: The New Right/National "Anarchists."

By Nick

The APEC weekend was the fateful weekend in which Australia's very own group of Troy Southgate’s (the founder of national anarchism) declared their existence; Yes, there is now a new group of racist, homophobic, ultra nationalists on the block known as the New Right.
The New Right is a National “Anarchist” organization, which, according to their manifesto, wants

"decentralized, federal, autonomous set of ethnically-homogeneous communities to take the place of the current neoliberal/social democratic State system which rules the West today."

They believe that multi-culturalism "ends up wiping out the differences between peoples" using examples such as the former Yugoslavia.
They predict that "the Western multiculturalist States will eventually need to resort to more and more force, more and more State repression" and will resort to enforce multi-culturalism - despite the measures being taken by the Howard government, who have claimed "multi-culturalism has failed", and which are bringing in new measures to try and wipe it out - such as the new Citizenship test.

They even include an interesting definition of anarchism, where anarchists wish for the state to whither away (I'm not kidding, they actually said that).
Despite their idiocy, they're essentially racist-(pseudo)-Bookchinists, which is a bizarre mix, really (and to be realistic, doesn't actually exist).

It’s hard to work out whether or not this group is a threat. The manifesto is so all-over the place that it’s actually difficult to work out who wrote it.
Take this for example,

"To put it this way, many heavily-populated urban areas in the West are constructs of capitalism: that is, they contain 'indigenous' populations of European descent who have lived there for hundreds, if not thousands, of years"

It should be reminded that this is written (supposedly) by National Anarchists from Australia and New Zealand, and is in reference to said places, as well as America, Canada, etc.
White folk have only lived in Australia - or at least, began to colonize Australia - since 1788.
That doesn’t qualify, in the least bit, as Indigenous.
But even if we refer to places, such as the United States, white folk there are not Indigenous either.
Indigenous peoples are an ethnic group who inhabit the geographic region with which they have the earliest historical connection.
To live somewhere for a long time doesn't make you Indigenous.
Just simply to say this shows incredible disrespect to the actual Indigenous people from here, as well as all other actual Indigenous people in the West. It's a completely absurd statement, and basically re-enforces the concept of Indigenous - actual Indigenous - dispossession by Colonizers.

Another one of their classic, historically misguided claims is this one:

"the Paris Commune, the Soviets, the anarchist communes of the Spanish Civil War, were ethnically homogeneous. Were they alive today, the anarchists from those periods would have resisted, bitterly, the encroachment of immigrants from the Third World - and have been denounced by today's mainstream anarchists as being 'fascist' and 'racist' and, somehow, 'pawns of capitalism and the State."

I don't really know what bit of "Workers of the world, Unite!" - Or any other historical Anarchist (and Marxist) slogans - they didn't understand. But it seems they missed it.
This statement, again, displays a great amount of historical ignorance.
Realistically, the Paris Commune certainly wasn't "ethnically homogenous", and neither were the Soviets in Russia, and neither was Barcelona in 1936.
If we look at the (former) USSR's geographical nature, the absurdities of this become pretty evident. The USSR had, due to its incredible size, always had a diverse ethnic mix. If we simply look at the states which, after the collapse of the USSR, started to pop up, home to many different ethnicities, we can see how much of a farce this claim really is.
On top of that, Russia was 3rd world in 1917.
This is a typical baseless assertion, distorting historical facts to push their agenda.
The former analysis would have, and only could have come, from those who had betrayed their original anarchist (or Marxist) principles, and had succumb to ignorance, fear and xenophobia.

Not only that, but they even managed to contradict themselves no less than a paragraph after! Which we can see here,

"the classical anarchist theorists viewed everything through the prism of class and class warfare; and classes, as such, are devoid of ethnic characteristics"

Wait...So, they would have "resisted, bitterly" the "encroachment" of immigrants from the 3rd World, yet they viewed them as comrades of their class?
I think they need to take this bullshit back to the trash where they found it.

But they're right, as Anarchists, traditionally, we have viewed things through class lines: and we recognize capitalism as an oppressive socio-economic system, and the state has a means of repression, and guaranteed privilege.
But we also recognize patriarchy, homophobia, nationalism and racism (and all things of that nature) as counter-productive to our cause for total emancipation for the human race.
We want freedom, equality, and justice. We don't want more divisions. We don't need more divisions. We need solidarity, not separation.

It's pretty clear what these guys are, and what politics lie beneath their black flags. It is clear that this is just a new group of White Nationalists, who are attempting to infiltrate the anti-globalisation movement by "adopting some of the imagery of today's anti-globalist Left", in order to recruit young people into ultra-nationalist, racist, homophobic politics.
They should be treated, and seen for what they really are: Ultra-Nationalist racist scum.

Dividing ourselves along the colors of our skin is a pointless and reactionary measure.
Crime, violence, etc do not exist in our societies because of multi-culturalism.
The cause of crime does not come from culture; crime that is related to culture stems from a mindset of cultural (or ethnic) superiority and arrogance. That's not the fault of a culture, or because of cultural interaction, it's a result of a mindset of superiority, ignorance and fear – which is what these nationalists are really advocating.
There are these characteristics in all cultures, and it's these tendencies that must be challenged, not the existence, or interaction of cultures; but the dominance of one culture over another – and the mentality which asserts that right.

This declaration asserts that emancipation comes from the dividing of cultures and races, and nothing could be further from the truth.
The emancipation of humanity is all, or it is nothing. Liberty, equality and justice can only exist in a world built on those principles – and such a society must break down barriers between peoples, to build a truly egalitarian society, where all peoples of all colours, races, genders and sexualities are equal and free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, interesting post, but your statement that "The emancipation of humanity is all, or it is nothing. Liberty, equality and justice can only exist in a world built on those principles – and such a society must break down barriers between peoples, to build a truly egalitarian society, where all peoples of all colours, races, genders and sexualities are equal and free."

Is misleading. Free to do what? Buy 500 different kinds of shoes? Fuck anything that moves? That's not freedom. It may be free for _some_ people is what you imply. It wouldn't be freedom for me to say, live with people I have no connection to, don't understand what language they speak and become a second class citizen in my own country... "Liberty, equality and justice [fraternity?]" of the French revolution really has nothing to do with anarchism but liberal democracy. This is a tired slogan and National Anarchists are done with useless labels. For a more informed view of what National Anarchism is about my blog can fill in the "ignorance of the left and right" you filled this post with: www.bayareanationalanarchists.com If you register at the forum I'd be happy to discuss with you about this in depth.

For revolution,